
When is Division Okay?

When is Division Okay?

With the recent mandates in Quebec that churches only allow vaccinated persons access to worship gatherings, the issue of division within the church is rearing its ugly head. I addressed the issue of the mandates themselves and how they relate to God’s commands for unity within the church in the article, A Mandate to Exclude? Are…

A Mandate to Exclude

A Mandate to Exclude

The church in Quebec finds itself in unprecedented times. For those readers who are unaware, as of December 26, churches have been mandated by the Quebec government to screen visitors of our worship gatherings for proof of Covid-19 vaccination. That means without a “vaccine passport” and photo ID, you are not allowed in. Needless to…

Thoughts on the Ravi Zacharias Scandal

Thoughts on the Ravi Zacharias Scandal

It’s been five days now since Christianity Today reported on the final investigation of RZIM into the allegations of sexual abuse against Ravi Zacharias (link here). I encourage everyone to read the CT article, as it does a particularly good job of providing an overview of this terrible affair. From there I encourage everyone to dig…